Abstract Keywords 专题 Visual Studio Visual Studio
Citation Yao Qing-sheng.Vs2019专题.FUTURE & CIVILIZATION Natural/Social Philosophy & Infomation Sciences,20210420. https://yaoqs.github.io/20210420/vs2019-zhuan-ti/
首先从 Visual Studio 下载页或 Visual Studio 2019 版本页下载 Visual Studio 2019 引导程序,以找到所选版本的 Visual Studio。 安装程序文件或引导程序将是以下项之一,或与之类似:
版本 | 文件 |
Visual Studio Community | vs_community.exe |
Visual Studio Professional | vs_professional.exe |
Visual Studio Enterprise | vs_enterprise.exe |
Visual Studio 生成工具 | vs_buildtools.exe |
1 | vs_community.exe --layout c:\vslayout --lang zh-CN |
- 证书管理器工具 (certmgr.exe) Windows SDK中附带
1 | certmgr.exe -add [layout path]\certificates\manifestRootCertificate.cer -n "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011" -s -r LocalMachine root |
- 使用 Windows 中随附的 certutil.exe:
1 | certutil.exe -addstore -f "Root" "[layout path]\certificates\manifestRootCertificate.cer" |
- 安装离线
1 | vs_enterprise.exe --layout c:\vslayout --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb --add Component.GitHub.VisualStudio --includeOptional --lang en-US |

Author: Yao Qing-sheng Blog: https://yaoqs.github.io/ Email: 350788415@qq.com
Address:Department of Natural/Social Philosophy & Infomation Sciences, CHINA
Address:Department of Natural/Social Philosophy & Infomation Sciences, CHINA
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